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Old 27th June 2003, 13:18     #321
Post it?
Old 27th June 2003, 13:20     #322
Re: Re: Re: It had to be done.

Originally posted by sky_
Aahahahha nice =)
I thought the pic with me looking like Ryan Stiles was lost forever.. it seems not =)

Damn, that was about 2 years ago now..
_sky you sneaky little bastard. I never made the connection between _sky and tmasky.

Hows it going you little garden gnome? Still at the Met I hear.
Old 27th June 2003, 13:25     #323
Bad Hacker, No Biscuit
Originally posted by jerrold
Apparently you lose up to 70% of feeling in your dick when you get circumsized. Imagine the orgasims you get now, and then imagine losing 70% of that umm ... feeling.
Absolute bollocks!
Old 27th June 2003, 13:30     #324
Bad Hacker, No Biscuit
(makes note to change to "_sky" in my head)
Old 27th June 2003, 13:35     #325
Thumbs up

Originally posted by OdditY
Absolute bollocks!
Old 27th June 2003, 14:05     #326
Danger, danger Will Robinson!

Originally posted by ChaosWulf
Uh-huh. And have I ever posted that?
Re-read what I actually said before you try to be clever.

What exactly was so clever about my post? All I did was remember a picure taken from Lanplace that had you in it, and thought the NZgames community might like to put a face to name.

Nowhere did I make any mention to you posting that particular picture. I fail to see the reason as to why you felt you had to insult me. Perhaps you didn't want people to know what you looked like - if so, my humble apologies. Care to explain?
Old 27th June 2003, 14:24     #327
Don't worry, be harpy
Everyone who knows me personally already knows what I look like. And I couldn't give a flying fuck about anyone else.

If I was at a LAN and had a photo taken, well fine. What gives you the right and/or inclination to post it? Do you know me? Do you have a point to prove? Are you just really, really BORED?
Old 27th June 2003, 14:29     #328

or maybe he just likes watching you spaz out <:D
Old 27th June 2003, 14:30     #329
Don't worry, be harpy
Oh, trust me - this isn't me spazzing out. I save that for special occasions.
Old 27th June 2003, 14:34     #330
Originally posted by ChaosWulf
Everyone who knows me personally already knows what I look like. And I couldn't give a flying fuck about anyone else.

If I was at a LAN and had a photo taken, well fine. What gives you the right and/or inclination to post it? Do you know me? Do you have a point to prove? Are you just really, really BORED?

please feel free to take your SHIT somewhere else.
Old 27th June 2003, 14:36     #331
Don't worry, be harpy

Hmmm .. I was actually responding to other peoples questions, but you're right - this isn't the place for it.

Carry on, little fella
Old 27th June 2003, 14:51     #332
Jonas Undrawing
What sickens me is all the cheesy gunk numerous nzgamers are going to discover thanks to this revelation that you're supposed to wash under the foreskin. Oh when i was a lad, my parents told me to get that jacket off the shoulder... i should really thank them for knowing... maybe i will cook them dinner, perhaps macaroni cheese... with smoked fish, then while we are eating i will produce a print out of Danjah's picture and discuss what could have happened if they hadn't of advised me so sagely.
Old 27th June 2003, 14:53     #333
I have detailed files
How's the recovery going Sep? I'm guessing you're still off school - did you have to take a note to the teacher before the op?
Old 27th June 2003, 14:59     #334
Originally posted by Jonas Undrawing
the night i took my bandages off we had nachos for dinner

that was something that always used to worry me when i couldn't pull my foreskin back, just how much gunk was under there that i couldn't get at? but i suppose having such a small hole, and my foreskin blowing up like a balloon when i went for a piss, the urine being swirled around up there before hitting the pan would wash any unwanted muck from that area.

when i woke up in hospital it seemed fairly clean, but that’s not saying they didn't wash it before i woke up, but who knows?
one thing i did notice for the first couple of days, was the almighty smell. my knob (having never been exposed) stunk to high hell. but a couple of long, careful showers fixed that

Originally posted by StN
How's the recovery going Sep? I'm guessing you're still off school - did you have to take a note to the teacher before the op?
it's going good there is still a massive red area on the underside of my penis, but i'm sure that will pass. i'm no longer being woken up in the middle of the night by my erections. although this morning my stitches were insanely itchy, it was barely tolerable (being an area you can't exact scratch) so i just got up and walked around for a while, letting my penis bump into the front of my boxers, and the itchiness quickly passed. i had an hour shower this morning, felt great! was the first time i could let the water hit it without a massive uncomfortable feeling (never really sore, just uncomfortable) i'm planning to go to my high school ball tomorrow night, and i'm feeling quite good about it i'll defiantly be back at school by monday.

Last edited by SepulchraL : 27th June 2003 at 15:06.
Old 27th June 2003, 15:02     #335
question: how did u manage to rub one out if it was so swollen that only a tiny hole was exposed? surely it would have been pretty messy going
Old 27th June 2003, 15:13     #336
Originally posted by Danjah
question: how did u manage to rub one out if it was so swollen that only a tiny hole was exposed? surely it would have been pretty messy going
what do you mean?
Old 27th June 2003, 17:59     #337
Originally posted by ChaosWulf
What gives you the right and/or inclination to post it? Do you know me? Do you have a point to prove? Are you just really, really BORED?
To tell you the truth, I'm quite sure, really. If anything it was impulsive.
Old 27th June 2003, 18:38     #338
id hit it :D
Old 27th June 2003, 18:42     #339

Originally posted by mpx
id hit it
Sep's oozey penis?
Old 27th June 2003, 18:44     #340
Originally posted by Cookie
Sep's oozey penis?
Old 27th June 2003, 18:44     #341
Originally posted by mpx
id hit it
purely so mpx could see his cute little green smilie again.
carry on.
Old 27th June 2003, 18:52     #342
I'd hit cookie too
sorry bahamut, but i would :D
Old 27th June 2003, 19:05     #343
Stunt Pants
Cheesy grin

Originally posted by mpx
I'd hit cookie too
sorry bahamut, but i would
Old 27th June 2003, 19:05     #344

Originally posted by SepulchraL
Unbelievably. Bahamut is so lucky I met him first.
Old 27th June 2003, 19:22     #345
Originally posted by CCS
Old 27th June 2003, 19:50     #346
Uncle Gus
Originally posted by Cookie
Unbelievably. Bahamut is so lucky I met him first.
She's said that about me, too. I think it was right after I dropped a ripe fart in Bart's room.
Old 27th June 2003, 19:52     #347
Originally posted by Uncle Gus
She's said that about me, too. I think it was right after I dropped a ripe fart in Bart's room.
remind me to shake your hand if i ever meet you.
Old 27th June 2003, 21:43     #348
Originally posted by jerrold
Apparently you lose up to 70% of feeling in your dick when you get circumsized. Imagine the orgasims you get now, and then imagine losing 70% of that umm ... feeling.
my 2c

yes you do lose sensation (apparently- I have no idea as I have only known it one way really)

but as orgasm "happens" in spinal cells (only read this a month agao too!) I doubt the orgasm will be any less intesnse - just the lead up may be prolonged and perhaps not as nice in a tactile sense.

so no it wont kill yopur orgasam leaving you unfufilled - but it might just toughen yer helmet slightly due to extra abrasion and daily wear n tear - which means its less sensitive than it was. And as others have mentioned this could be either a blessing or a curse
Old 27th June 2003, 22:01     #349
Originally posted by Uncle Gus
She's said that about me, too. I think it was right after I dropped a ripe fart in Bart's room.
Yeh it was. Rank too. You focking guy. *shakes fist*
Old 28th June 2003, 09:44     #350

Im going to go with what EvilMonkey said.......if hes not talking shit :P......fucked im letting them play twinkle twinkle little scalpel on my cock without them giving me fucking morphine first.
Old 28th June 2003, 11:41     #351
Originally posted by Wuffle
Im going to go with what EvilMonkey said.......if hes not talking shit :P......fucked im letting them play twinkle twinkle little scalpel on my cock without them giving me fucking morphine first.
i'm a 60kg, 17y/o little white boy.

plus i'm a damned pussy.

if i can handle getting the chop, i think you can too.
Old 28th June 2003, 12:59     #352
Really interesting thread, thank you Sepulchral. Thanks for shearing (ahhahaha...ha..sorry).

So if I'm right, it's about 4 days after the op and you're not in too much discomfort? You reckon you could return to work/school after about a week?

I only ask because I too have been pondering a circumcision. (I seem to be slightly better off than some, I can roll mine back fully for cleaning when flacid, but not when erect. If it is forced back, and it has been once or twice, it hurts like nothing else and sometimes bleeds, both of which tend to kill then mood
Significant other - Hee hee.. I'll just get this out of the way of the little fulla
Me - NO, WAIT!.. Umm
Significant other - Don't be silly, silly, you'll liiiiiike this....promise......RIIIIIPPPPP.
Me - NGARRHHHHH!....faints

However ifI was to get the cut, I could ill afford an extended recovery period (although the six week stand down shouldn't be a problem as I'm mercifully undersexed).

So in short, I'm finding your story really interesting. please keep updates coming. Thank you.
Old 28th June 2003, 17:26     #353
Originally posted by SepulchraL
i'm a 60kg, 17y/o little white boy.

plus i'm a damned pussy.

if i can handle getting the chop, i think you can too.
Chances of operation going wrong?........nah actually if anything went wrong i'd probably kill the doctor.
Old 28th June 2003, 17:41     #354
Originally posted by Wuffle
Chances of operation going wrong?........nah actually if anything went wrong i'd probably kill the doctor.
nil, there is pretty much no chance of anything going wrong.

operation was monday, today i went outside for the first time this week wearing pants HURT LIKE FUCK, BANG BANG BANG against my stitches, was seriously not nice. i'm going to the ball tonight, so i went straight down to the local chemist, brought some elastic bandage (about 2cm wide) and some medical tape. wrapped the elastic bandage round maybe 4-5 times, couple rounds with the medical tape and i'm away laughing i've been jumping round the house ever since, just to get a feel of how badly i have to knock it to make it hurt, so far so good

i'm feeling great back to skool on monday for me, i think i'll bandage the little tike up until the stitches dissolve (should be in the next week) the smells still slightly annoying, but a few quick sprays with the linx takes care of that.

umm yea, for any of you thinking about getting it done - go for it! i see no reason why not. it really isn't as bad as you would imagine.
Old 28th June 2003, 17:46     #355
Originally posted by SepulchraL

umm yea, for any of you thinking about getting it done - go for it! i see no reason why not. it really isn't as bad as you would imagine.
hah yeah right, this thread makes me queezy just thinking of what you've done. =P
Old 28th June 2003, 17:52     #356
Originally posted by [reyPh]
hah yeah right, this thread makes me queezy just thinking of what you've done. =P
i have two words for you.

you're a pussy.
Old 28th June 2003, 17:56     #357

If one has no ejaculation or uranial problems like you have, why on earth would one do it.. seems pointless, but if you think chopping ya dick up makes you more of a man by all means please do =P
Old 28th June 2003, 18:10     #358

Originally posted by SepulchraL
nil, there is pretty much no chance of anything going wrong.

operation was monday, today i went outside for the first time this week wearing pants HURT LIKE FUCK, BANG BANG BANG against my stitches, was seriously not nice. i'm going to the ball tonight, so i went straight down to the local chemist, brought some elastic bandage (about 2cm wide) and some medical tape. wrapped the elastic bandage round maybe 4-5 times, couple rounds with the medical tape and i'm away laughing i've been jumping round the house ever since, just to get a feel of how badly i have to knock it to make it hurt, so far so good

i'm feeling great back to skool on monday for me, i think i'll bandage the little tike up until the stitches dissolve (should be in the next week) the smells still slightly annoying, but a few quick sprays with the linx takes care of that.

umm yea, for any of you thinking about getting it done - go for it! i see no reason why not. it really isn't as bad as you would imagine.
Wait a minute......Why do you need stitches again?.......and isn't circumcission a whole lot less painful than you say?.
Old 28th June 2003, 18:14     #359
Stunt Pants
Originally posted by Wuffle
Chances of operation going wrong?........nah actually if anything went wrong i'd probably kill the doctor.
Better than having a tiny wee hole in your deformed foreskin to piss through I would imagine...
Originally posted by Wuffle
Wait a minute......Why do you need stitches again?.......and isn't circumcission a whole lot less painful than you say?.
It's surgery, they still have to go cutting bits off and sticking bits back together.

Originally posted by SepulchraL
i've been jumping round the house ever since, just to get a feel of how badly i have to knock it to make it hurt, so far so good
Jeezus christ, you're tempting fate. Randy Campbell move over!
Old 28th June 2003, 18:18     #360
Originally posted by [reyPh]
If one has no ejaculation or uranial problems like you have, why on earth would one do it.. seems pointless, but if you think chopping ya dick up makes you more of a man by all means please do =P
Originally posted by SepulchraL
umm yea, for any of you thinking about getting it done - go for it! i see no reason why not. it really isn't as bad as you would imagine.
idiots are everywhere, i swear.

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