Thread: is it wrong?
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Old 17th December 2002, 15:15     #134
Steppin' Razor
Originally posted by Homo Erectus
The 'time alone' was sadly put off for today - the families decided to stay at home for the day instead. We did get some good time to chat though. I was telling her about my recent breakup with my girlfriend. She expressed her symapthies and said that it "was her (my girlfriends) loss". It's little comments like these that she keeps making which fuel my curiosity about this situation.
Oh man, I can't wait until you get smacked down by your family.

Your putting a spin on everything she has said. I've had heaps of people, guys and girls, tell me that it was my gf's loss for breaking up with me.

And now she's looked at your porn? I would look through it all but I'd still think your dodgy as (that's a good scenerio btw, I doubt yours would be the same)

Waiting for the fireworks my friend, they will be good.

Last edited by Synergist@ : 17th December 2002 at 15:19.