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Old 9th April 2001, 18:46     #1
Post No chasing?!!?!? No sniping?@?!!

i was recently sent an email saying in the TNA game that we are NOT allowed to chase and NOT allowed to go sniper. and that its not just this game but its the STANDARD now in nztf!
just what the hell kinda gay rules are these!??!?!
chasing is possibly the most valuable and usefull tool in a close game...
of course you newbiew arse clans will go shove 8 defence when they are about to cap in the last 5 mins.
but thats bs. that doesnt work. what does work is keeping the defence, and having the attack chase. its a tactic, a legit tactic
and no sniping?!?!?! well thats along the same lines. legit tactic. no way am i gonna stick to these rules... Sniper is possibly the most blatent and outright best defence tool in the game. it pisses off the enemy, slows their attack, makes them revert their course to other methods. i.e grenjump (thus damaging them) cussjump (thus slowing them).
not only that, but hte most important factor is the psychological factor.
how the hell can someone ban such an important part of the game. its insane!
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