Thread: Evolution
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Old 18th July 2000, 00:53     #136

OK then PK maybe you'll understand this concept.

If all the skeleton's of everything that has ever lived on earth (most of which would consist of marine life - mainly algae[some of them do have simple husk like skeletons]) didn't decay when they died, we would be up to our asses in bones Km's high.

And you don't need the missing link to prove evolution, there are thousands's of better examples in other species.

And the universe is expanding, so resoning suggests it started from a point with a explosion. If you don't beleive its expanding then it must be contracting from gravity (which using your reasoning , you must beleive in gravity seeming its right in front of your eyes) so it'll all end up at a point again.

If someone ever figures out what came before the big bang, or what lies outside our universe they'll be the closest thing to your god you're ever going to find.

F___ it this is my last post - even a f___en monkey is more resonable than you

(language ,his space comment pushed me over the edge )

[This message has been edited by Yautja (edited 18 July 2000).]