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Old 14th January 2020, 13:16     #305
Originally Posted by Ab
It seems to me that this is a POLITICAL issue
Of course it's political. That's why people are getting fired. Because there's a change in power dynamics.

Previously gender and sex roles were imposed upon us by powerful institutions. Religious, medical, political, familial. Now we're entering a time when we can choose these things for ourselves.

Some are reacting to a loss of power, others are angry because if they didn't get to choose no one else should, others are exploring new ways of being, and so on.

Again, this is an opportunity to reflect on one's self, consider how it is the ideas you hold onto formed, what alternative ideas are waiting to be discovered.

As you point out, people who have found some measure of power after being so powerless for so long will be dismayed to discover that power already waning. And we'll see that dynamic play out. It will be messy.

Which will not be justification to revert to tradition.

What else ya got?
Stay shook. No sook.
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