Thread: nCoV 2019
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Old 19th January 2022, 15:50     #2405
Can we stop pretending that 1 human = 1 human? We are not fungible, equivalent beings.
That's not what we're pretending. You're stupid if you think that's what's going on.

We know people aren't equivalent. We also know that there are no coherent metrics to measure our differences in any complete fashion. We understand there's no acceptable way to weigh one human life against another, we've seen it play out enough times now, the horrors that result.

Yes, it's hard for stupid people to grasp this when on the surface it looks like this is something we could do.

Delivering all these "general statistics" is misleading
Only if you're stupid. Most understand the limited purpose of such statistics.

A friend of mine has covid. The first person I've personally known to catch the virus, Southern US. They'll probably be fine, but I still don't want to go through the days of misery they're suffering. The anxiety that maybe they won't be fine isn't great either. Nor do I want that suffering left to run rampant. The potential psychological and emotional impact on billions, along with the hundreds of billions of work hours lost to people recuperating.

Even if you don't care about people dying, even if it's only the worthless frail dying, there is still this huge volume of suffering and other impacts to consider.

If we don't have anyone to trust to make this consideration, if freedom means everything must be done on a case-by-case basis, we're buggered anyway.
Stay shook. No sook.
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