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Old 15th July 2015, 17:02     #99
A mariachi ogre snorkel
Think of all the ways that Labour could have tackled the issue. Every possible way it could have used the Auckland property bubble to make National look bad. Every possible way it could have acknowledged the Auckland property bubble, possible causes, and possible solutions.

Of all those things, the one it chose was to say "We've got some secret data from a secret real-estate agent that shows the Chinese are buying all the houses!"

All the houses?

Well, a bigger percentage of the secret agent's sales during a three month period were to Chinese people than Chinese people are a percentage of the Auckland population, therefore yellow peril.

Chinese people?

Well, people with Chinese-sounding names.

So they may have been as Kiwi as you or me, but somehow they're part of a problem of "foreign money"?

Well, um...

Did you ask the agency if any of the non-Chinese-sounding names on its sales reports were "foreign money"? Australians? English?

Well, no, obviously....

This secret agency - does it have a special relationship with Chinese investor groups? Does it run any marketing specifically aimed at people in China looking to invest? Did it do that during this three-month period?

Well we can't ask, obviously, it's SECRET.

You're fucking muppets, aren't you?

Yellow peril!
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