Thread: Bitcoin
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Old 11th May 2011, 07:19     #50
1) Slush wasn't stealing - was a cascaded HW failure or a targeted DDOS attack.
2) Yes someone has investigated using the cloud to do bitcoin mining. But because they all use nVidia, cost == 5 * reward. So it's pointless ATM.
3) 5870 has the same mining speed as a 6950. Miners love these cards.
4) Difficulty just went up 50%. Due to go up again in another 11 days. This is the only real reason you'll never pay back your HW.
5) However the exchange rate just jumped from 3.2 USD / btc to 5 USD / btc. I'm xing fingers the bubble won't burst before I've sold my coins.
6) Or you could speculate that it won't and just buy and sell btc. Lots of money to be made if it keeps going up.
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