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Old 24th December 2019, 14:35     #240
If I was to make such an assertion I would need to have an epistemological basis for it. My efforts so far have found that biology is complex and that any attempt at a definition of sex will find exceptions.

I've found there is a complex relationship between biology and the environments we develop in, to the point it is impossible in a general sense to delineate where certain things end and others begin.

I've also found that the issue is hugely political, and clarity is often muddied by people having a stake in what is determined to be true.

Ultimately what we decide tells us as much about us as the phenomena we're trying to observe. As such the most appropriate position I can take is "it's complex."

Ab: Fuck all that, I know what I know.

Right? Show me up if I'm wrong.
Stay shook. No sook.
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