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Old 12th December 2019, 21:04     #203
the workforce is “increasingly vulnerable because it’s increasingly female and not exactly prepared for adversity because school and Uni are ‘safe spaces' (sic).”

“Suicides are one result. Inability to cope with everyday nastiness is another,”

“The main issue seems to be that women and men are somehow supposed to be the same, interchangeable.

“Well, here are a few more inconvenient truths. Women colleagues are more likely to drop out during the year, and they’re more likely to fall ill, which is why it’s harder to staff departments these days, in particular towards the end of the year, in particular O/G departments [obstetrics and gynaecology] with 80-90% female junior staff.

“In fact, they’re more expensive to train in the sense that their lifetime work years will be less.”
I don't have much sympathy for these boomers and their sometimes outdated interpretations of situations ie, why is this happening??? because women.
Protecting your peace is way more important than proving your point. Some people aren't open to cultivating their views. Just let them be wrong.
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