Thread: Oculus Rift
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Old 9th September 2012, 11:41     #1
Oculus Rift

This has to have the potential to be the biggest thing in gaming tech since id released Quake. I'm surprised there's not a thread!

If you don't know what it is, it appears to be genuine, bona fide head mounted VR. Like, proper edgeless display, track your head properly, feels like you're there VR.

Here's the developer's website, they got almost 10x the funding they were looking for with Kickstarter:

I first got excited about it watching Carmack's keynote speech at QuakeCon. This is an epic watch if you have the time and are into game and particularly display tech:

Reviews seems almost universally positive, although Carmack reckon's there are still limitations with head tracking that for some particular movements may cause nausea. He also stressing it's still a few years away from a consumer device.

Doom 3 BFG edition has already been roughly converted for it and other games are already announcing they will support it (I'm really hoping one of the upcoming Mech games will support it.) So yippee!
Stay shook. No sook.
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