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Old 11th March 2010, 17:45     #20057
Stunt Pants
What happens to the poos after they're done with it? Do they flush it down the bog or maybe put poo samples in petri dishes and keep them in a poo archive? You should see if you can have the poo back once they've checked it all out.

How does the poo selection process go anyway? Do you just plunge a hand into the sewage and grab a fistful of shit? Or is it more like "Oh that looks like a nice big turd, all in one piece, quite plump actually"? How do you retrieve it? Are they usually floating? Do you have a butterfly net type of thing for fishing out the poo? Or do you have a fishing rod and you just cast a line until you hook a poo?

So many questions.
I just want to understand this, sir. Every time a rug is micturated upon in this fair city, I have to compensate the owner?
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