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Old 10th July 2020, 21:33     #851
To point 1: How can that be when the definitive example of a western fascist state rose from the ashes of Prussia complete with it's schooling system to mould young minds into good little nazis or good little blackshirts? If anything schools today are churning out good little Trotskys.

Lack of education is too risky for a power hungry ideological group to manage, people may educate themselves and form their own opinions. We can't have that! The trick is to "educate" them according to your nation's doctrine, and bayonet the one's that seed doubt....baynet their family incase people don't get the message.

To point 2: Today memes infect us through the media we consume. But in the past memes were delivered through education system, government policy, royal decree... whatever is the best vector of the day is how the idea virus gets in.

Whether it's education system, feudalism, memes, cancel culture, or media it is about narrative control and manufacturing uniform thought. No room for individual thought because you'll be "othered" (far right bigot, or snow flake liberal)
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