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Old 12th November 2020, 21:24     #42284
Originally Posted by Savage
I went to high school with a PoC in South Africa who was albino. He was told (to his face) that he could not be given a job by a specific employer because he was "too white", no matter what his passport and ID book said. This is now extremely common practice in South Africa (and several other African neighbouring nations).
For white South Africans to be racially discriminated in a meaningful way they'd need to be a minority (which they are <10%) AND be alienated with regards to land, wealth and opportunities, which they're not (yet?)

So yeah pointing out quite a unique context as a possible exception to the rule deflects away from the experience of minority non-white people in a society vs white people in that society.
Protecting your peace is way more important than proving your point. Some people aren't open to cultivating their views. Just let them be wrong.
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