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Old 14th December 2004, 09:30     #26
Read your quest info twice before asking for directions.
If it's vague and says, 'In Stormwind' - fair enough, but if it narrows it down to an area, 'In Old Town in Stormwind', don't ask for exact directions. Explore abit, the place isn't THAT big.

The guards will give you directions, and a waypoint on your map to certain people. Very useful.

If your unable to still locate the person, Thottbot. It has location maps and everything.

From the Spink:
Kill x number of mob quests are a suggestion on where you should fight for the quest level. Try to avoid getting bogged down by old kill quests that have turned green. They're not worth the time and effort - even with the quest bonus at the end, unless of course if the quest gives an item you need.

Once you find the leveling 'groove' you'll fly along.
Don't forget to plan your quest Completetions.
If you time them right, complete the tasks of quests but leave them until you log back on, when you Complete them, the exp will push the Rest experience along rather than using it up. Really just a personal morale thing than a real gain - but it gets you into the mood of the game quickly. At least does for me.

On the Rest Experience side:
Always camp out in a major city or an Inn. This will give you a very nice exp bonus when you log back on and kill things. In the range of 150% the exp. To locate places you can log out and gain Rest experience, watch your character icon up the top left - in the bottom left cornor of the portrait is a circle that shows you level.

This icon changes to swords when your in combat, level when out and turns into a Speech bubble with zzz when you are in a 'Rest' area. You will also receive the text message 'You feel rested'. You can then camp out and reap the rewards.

Additionally, your exp bar will change from a purple to a blue.
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