Thread: Random Politics
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Old 22nd July 2019, 20:54     #4958
I think your response is a shinning example of why it's important to have the conversation

While it was a bit unpolished I don't think it was anymore more 'strongly emotive' or 'assertive' or 'zero respectful' than other opinion pieces written by adults on the subject. And this is from someone who even if the age was lowered would have two more years of civics education before being eligible.
Also I though the fundamental human right line was relevant as it is a human right, the subjective age is what we agree upon as a society . . . hence why discussion.

There's some good points on both sides of the argument (eg potential lack of life experience) but for me I think that 16-17 year olds actually interested and motivated to vote are probably responsible enough.
Protecting your peace is way more important than proving your point. Some people aren't open to cultivating their views. Just let them be wrong.
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