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Old 11th May 2016, 15:03     #32
Originally Posted by Cinclant
In general the support classes put out a lot of damage - which makes more people play them (yay) but also makes them a little bs at times.
Lucio's the support for people that don't like playing support.

Mercy's definitely the more traditional "Medic" role.

Sym's more defence than support, given the set up time on her turrets, and the "barely there" shield buff.

Zen needs work. He's got pinpoint accuracy on his jabs, but with the recent changes to his abilities (very fast drop off of orbs once the target goes outside Line of Sight), his lack of HP is detrimental.

Jodi - Tracer's great at her role, but many people misunderstand what she's there for. She's a pest. She's there to rush in, hit the support/healers, and rewind out, distracting the entire team from the objective in the process. She's great at that role.

Bastion definitely wreck shit up in public matches though. A coordinated strike will kill them (A Single grenade or snipe will ruin their day), but with pubs being what they are, most people are happy to go in single file, ideal targets for Bastion to mow down.

I don't think anyone's OP. I certainly called a few heroes OP to begin with, but then learned how to counter them. Simply counterpick against an enemy Bastion/Torbjorn and you'll be fine.
ɹǝʌo sᴉ ǝɯɐƃ ʎɥʇ

Last edited by Cyberbob : 11th May 2016 at 15:07.
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