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Old 9th November 2008, 22:58     #35
A mariachi ogre snorkel
I'm sure the good people of Mt Albert will be thrilled as their representative starts the after-dinner-speaking circuit and starts pimping herself for a UN position.

Let's face it, the Labour Party is fucked. It's in the same position the Republican Party is in in the USA. No obvious leader; huge gap of experience at the top; a bunch of fresh faces new to the game and in a minority. Who the fuck is going to turn things around? Goff? King Cunliffe? Prashad? Jeez, if those are Labour's leaders things are REALLY bad.

Don't forget, with the EFA as law now it will be awfully hard to dislodge National and ACT from government. I hope they stick to their principles and repeal it ASAP - but it must be awfully tempting to find other more pressing issues that need fixing first...
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