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Old 7th October 2020, 10:46     #962
Originally Posted by blynk
Nope, that's full of ryan's toy review/kaji family videos.

I've had the same opinion of trump for a very long time. He's a crook, major bullshiter and fucks overs others majorly just to benefit himself.
Yeah nah you don't come across as a Trump apologist. I'm generalising about the usually white middle aged men who conflate a comparatively small group of woke uni students with the Democratic Party. Also their youtube echo chamber reinforces to them that Trump's no worse than Biden.

You might hear lines like - Trump has spoken out against white supremacists, the media just ignore it. Trump didn't mock that disabled guy, he's always talked with those hand gestures. Obama used the FBI to illegally spy on Trump. Late tem abortions!?! Clinton pedophile pizza secret symbols. Bill Gates forced sterilisation vaccination
Protecting your peace is way more important than proving your point. Some people aren't open to cultivating their views. Just let them be wrong.
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