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Old 29th January 2014, 13:11     #38602
aR Que
I'm with you on the 'fuck debt*' thing. Only ever paid cash**, but floating 200+ in capital for a house, duuuuude. Would the amount you could save even keep up with inflation? let alone the cost of renting. Could well end up being 'more expensive' to try and save that $... if you know what i mean?

You can get pretty clever about minimizing the interest by #1 limiting the amount you borrow and #2 splitting up your mortgage like a fucking ninja amogst different terms and floating maximising lump sum payements (the amount you'd be saving as a capital for the totality of your hosue purchase).

But i love making overly complicated spreadsheets.

*before my ex raped my accounts.

**Got a CC because one time, in the ole' outback i underestimated the amount of fuel i'd need and the price it'd cost, long story short, things were getting pretty skinny.
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