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Old 3rd July 2008, 22:38     #46
Originally Posted by crocos
Hmm... Now if only we had a rail network worth a damn.
I'd like to hope we can think beyond the next few years, and try and plan ahead...
Rail seems to be a smart way to move... stuff... Trucks just dont make sense to me... Having to constantly be changing velocity and direction of travel (ie stopping for traffic, towns, and corners etc etc) just doesn't seem energy efficient.
Whereas get a train moving and it just keeps on going in a mostly straight line... And you have alternative methods of getting the stuff moving in the first place as well, not only internal combustion but electricity (wires = no need for battery technology) and the maglev trains sound cool. You have *options*.

Its never too late to change technology for the better in my opinion... If we have to invest time and money (taken from road tax) in rail then I'm all for it.
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