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Old 22nd April 2018, 10:08     #15


Atheists are at this stage getting increasingly revealed to be intellectually deficient. I linked to a story yesterday where Edward Dutton a scientist in Finland concluded that mutant structures in the Atheist brain are expressed physiologically in asymmetry in physiognomy and neurological brain structures, as well as autism. Religiosity is subject to selection by evolution. It is incredible the mental acrobatics atheists have to go through to justify their philosophy alongside their scientism. Atheism as a concept couldn’t possibly even exist if it were not for the Church preserving the Greco-Roman heritage during the barbarian and muslim invasions after the fall of the western Roman empire.

Atheists are just as much blank-slate theorists as the most worthless screeching ninny progressive.

When people quarrel, they are appealing to a shared understanding of right and wrong. Absent that understanding, they could fight like animals. They couldn’t quarrel. Because quarrelling is an argument over who is in the right. The mere act of evaluation, is an appeal to a standard derived from the natural law.

Belief in the divinity, at least in the western tradition, flows from the natural law. All organisms are subject to biological laws. All bodies subject to gravitational law. Man is subject to these laws. But he is also subject to a law he does not share with other organic and inorganic matter. That law is the natural law, or the law of human nature. All men are possessed of an awareness of a directive to act with right conduct.

That directive is completely unique to men among all forms of extant life. In all other cases a ‘law’ simply describes what happens as a matter of course, what natural objects and things do. But the natural law does not describe what man does. Only what man ought to do. It is not an instinct, because the ‘ought’ arbitrates between instincts. Say you hear a man screaming for help. You will likely feel two instincts. One, to help, out of what atheists try to call the ‘altruistic instinct’ the other, to run, out of the instinct of self-preservation. Arbitrating between those instincts is the natural law. It is a different thing to say one desires to help, to then say one should help whether one wants to or not.

If the directive to right conduct was an instinct, the stronger of two competing instincts in conflict would always win. That is not the case. Additionally, a deliberation between two instincts cannot itself be an instinct. Just like the score directing which notes to play and how loud cannot itself be a note on the piano.

The idea that one ought to act altruistically because it is good for society ends in a tautology. Why ought you act morally. Because it is good for society. Why should you act for the good of society unless it benefits you personally? Because you ought to act morally. That is like saying the object of the game of soccer is to score goals.

The natural law is also not a social convention. The natural law is not like a convention to drive on the left, which may as well be on the right. The natural law is more like the multiplication table. A kid on a desert island alone wouldn’t know it. But it cannot be changed or altered to suit whim.

The natural law governs everyone. We’re constantly told different civilizations have different conceptions of morality. But they are all alike vastly more then they are different. No civilization has ever existed where a man felt pride in deceiving all the people who had been kindest to him, or for running away leaving his friends to die in battle. The natural law governs all men. Men have differed over whether you should have one wife or four. None have argued you should have any that you like any-time.

The natural law not being an instinct, or a social convention, or a mere matter of preference, must then be imparted to man externally.

Something or someone directing the universe appears in all men as an urge to do right, which makes them feel uncomfortable and responsible when they do wrong.

It’s existence by logic can only allude to a separate reality. It is real, it exists, but it is unlike all other forms of law. The law is real and a number of implications follow.

By far the religion that answers to the implications of the natural law with the most logic is Christianity.

The unjust world argument also doesn’t hold. A fish doesn’t know it’s in water. If the whole universe holds no meaning, we should never have found out it has no meaning. The notion of justice itself must be external to an unjust world, and it is. It is supplied by God.

The natural law is the foundation of almost every principle that governs western civilization today. Property rights, human rights, the distinctions between human and animals, every possible sociological phenomena.

The idea of God flows irrevocably from the Natural law. After centuries of trying, atheists and materialist determinists still can’t disprove the existence of the natural law. They can’t derive it from social convention. They can’t derive it from evolution.

All the stupidity plaguing western society exists because the idea of the natural law has been driven out of existence, practically.

As science advances, more and more it affirms the natural law. Quantum mechanics, genetics, neuro-science, epigenetics, artificial intelligence. All of it. Atheists need to go crawl into a corner before they inevitably die out, like the childless idiots that they are, that is, if they aren’t simply tossed of a building like the people screeching about Israel Folau who fellate Islam. Atheists are all future dhimmis. Believing nothing, ascribing value to nothing beyond arbitrary whim, you fuckers will all submit. The submissiveness of western society to all of this degeneracy and oppression from islam and others is a function of the rise of atheism.

Natural law used to be the foundation of the liberal humanities. Every kid who went to university before the 60’s and cultural marxism used to learn this, as the foundation of ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, then study of Greek and Latin, and their disciplines of geometry, logic, grammar, rhetoric, arithmetic and the others.

All of that is gone. Destroyed. Replaced with absolute wankfests of retarded relativist shit-piles of ‘isms’. The beauty of it, the sheer beauty of what it was is what is driving people like me. We will get it back. It will be back in schools. It will be back in universities. It will be back in the collective consciousness.

The natural law is not understood by any culture but western civilized culture. It cannot possibly evolve in a Pantheistic culture – which is all of India and Africa, or Taoism, or and most especially Islam. In Judaism they do understand it, but they only ascribe it to themselves. It is not a universally applicable concept.

So all the Fedora retards spouting of their retard juice about Christianity need to understand they sound like complete retards.

Israel Folau is expressing many different strands of western tradition. The people attacking him are nothing to do with western tradition. Fanatical homosexual supremacy (and we are firmly in the state of supremacy now, nothing even remotely approaching equality) is going to invite push-back, which will become increasingly forceful in correlation to the degree of fanatical supremacy.
Protecting your peace is way more important than proving your point. Some people aren't open to cultivating their views. Just let them be wrong.
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