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Old 7th July 2022, 15:51     #1484
Originally Posted by Lightspeed
Or we could address inequality so there weren't all these battles going on for access to resources or fairness. Or at least they wouldn't need be so pitched.

Yeah, nah, tho right?
You're welcome to hold this view. However, life is not fair. Darwinism (science, because you love science) says that evolution is survival of the fittest. There is always competition for resources. That's just how it goes. In a job interview, we are competing for limited positions. In the housing market, we are competing for a particular residence. Even our supermarkets are competitive in the sense that there are limited goods, and we have to either be early to get the bargains, or rich enough to afford what's left. The dating scene is a competition to attract attention so you can potentially fertilize the egg of the woman [highly competitive] or man with a womb [you can have him bro]. Music - we have charts. Movies have box office hits, and flops. Cars get raced for engineering status or market share. People fight each other to show dominance either for sport or for violent takeovers of territory.

You might not like it, but being philosophical about it is not a strength. It actually makes you weaker, and the weak will get stomped. Sure, it's not fair, and your feelings might be hurt by my revelation, but hey, I never made the rules. We all play by them. Even "alternative communities" (eg hippy communes) naturally become hierarchical, with leaders and newcomers, and some end up with rights and power that others don't have. It's the natural order. Trying to organize things some other way is against nature. Some might even call it perverse. Again, not my rules. Argue with the creator of all things.
Finger rolling rhythm, ride the horse one hand...
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