Thread: Evolution
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Old 18th July 2000, 11:56     #162

PK, You keep saying that space is infinite... that much I agree with. Space is infinite, space being that which holds nothing. Matter on the other hand is NOT infinite. That is the difference. It is matter that was contained within the singularity or whatever that the universe expanded from.
There are scientific methods which partially validate the fact that the universe is expanding. When an object that emmits light is moving away from a POV, the light will have a red shift, ie the wavelength of the light shifts towards the red scale because the object moving away causes the wavelength of the light emmited to be longer. When we look at other galaxies we often get a red shift, this indicates the star is moving away from us. The universe (or rather the matter within it) is expanding. Measurements indicate that the rate of expansion is decreasing, perhaps in a few billion years it will slow so much that it will begin contracting. After another bout of many billions of years its possible that all the matter in the universe will contract to one point. When this matter all collects into that one point, it might just explode and start everything all over again... whats that theory called? oh yeah, the big bang....

If your god really is as petty as your religion makes him out to be, then I pity you for following such a creature. Or maybe there really is a god and it's just that mans interpretation of it fails because he cant comprehend such a vast creature. I'll tell you this though, I'll never follow the god of the book. He is a vindictive and petty god, I wouldnt follow a man like that, and certainly never a god. A true god would not require anything from what he created.
So, ther you have it. The christian god is a fake. Even if he did exist.

You also trout on about man being incapable of creation. What about sperm? Procreation? What about seeds/plants that we put in the ground? What about the enzimes we manufacture? What about genetic engineering? What about all the other life we create? HUH!? Dont tell us we cant create life until you have a better understanding of the world you live in. Open your mind. You keep accusing us of being the close minded scientist types. Wake up man, science is based on open mindedness. It is God worship that requires a closed mind. Dont cast your failings on us.
And if there really was a god, I'd bet she'd have great breasts.