Thread: nCoV 2019
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Old 9th December 2020, 14:34     #1270
Originally Posted by Nothing
I mean, America is a great case study of what happens when fuckwits don't listen to experts. On track for 300,000 deaths by Christmas.
And yet people still don't believe that the pandemic is real or a serious concern. Days before Nich posted it here, I saw someone explaining that CDC data showed there wasn't actually an increase in mortality this year compared to the previous, as their basis for why the pandemic isn't real. So I went to the CDC website, dug around until I found those specific statistics, stats which clearly showed over 150k excess deaths... by June! (Which was their latest data.)

But still, people disbelieve. For some not even the death of a loved one is enough to convince them.

Instead of questioning why people don't trust elected leaders, they become fake epidemiologists, because surely it's someone else who is to blame. Not me, not the people we elect to lead us. Those tricksie doctors spending years, decades in training and practice, all so they can run a scam.

And so many die who would have otherwise lived if we trusted those we put into power.
Stay shook. No sook.
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