Thread: nCoV 2019
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Old 3rd July 2020, 18:36     #891
The biggest hurdle right now is... Trump. His hyper active supporters are low income, low education sycophants. Dare I say redneck, in a hypersensitive world of racial discrimination?

It is Trump's push to move the narrative away from Covid that is driving the wedge between science and "the masses". With Trump downplaying the effectiveness of the mask, his die harders won't follow CDC directives. If one sect doesn't follow suit, the unsure are less likely to mask also, and if you have two sect's not wearing masks, you now have a problem.

Trump has done such a good job of conflating mask wearing, with first amendment rights, gun control, and elitism, it's going to be hard to break those stigmas.

Remove Trump... problem PARTIALLY solved.
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