Thread: Ethereum
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Old 17th July 2022, 18:41     #1064
Originally Posted by Ab
Narrator voice: ETH presently 1355, BTC 21320
Yep, it's broken the 1250, although the massive leap up looks like a sucker rally - it spiked up in one big go. Is that market confidence or a whale? I think my numbers are still valid for the downside, and only time will tell whether this is the end of the bear market (I don't think it is), or if it's just a temporary notch up to get more people to buy in so others can dump theirs. I don't have any ETH, so I don't care either way - I can't win nor can I lose.

I still think that the #1 use case for ETH is not actually smart contracts or actual dApps, but just selling it to someone else for more than you paid. If crypto itself is confusing to the average person, then try explaining how to code a smart contract to actually use the EVM, while ensuring it is bug-free. For all the time/money you spend trying to get that shit to go, you might as well just write a real contract with a lawyer that's enforceable by actual authorities. That's the only reason I'm pessimistic - no one really knows what the fuck is going on, just number go up, gotta get some.
Finger rolling rhythm, ride the horse one hand...
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