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Old 2nd November 2018, 10:19     #169
[Malks] Pixie
Originally Posted by Ab
They were also masters of "fake news".
Yep - the phrase comes from German though I forget the actual etymology.

Originally Posted by DrTiTus
However, convenience is king, and likes/views are more important than having a free platform, so we have forgone our freedom to be subjects to our content masters, hoping that we trend, and praying we don't get shadow banned.
Abso-fucking-lutely. Convenience is what social media platforms are "selling" to users (though of course they're "selling" users to advertisers which is a given).

But this is also why I've stopped talking about social media as a communications medium because (to me) communication has become secondary to the affect produced (and by affect I mean the emotional and pre-emotional response that content/communication can engender). Affect is also far easier to turn into a commodity than communication because the message becomes the saleable product instead of the medium - and messages are easy and cheap to produce.
Civilised is as civilised does and civilised people walk among us.
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