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Old 1st November 2018, 22:20     #163
Originally Posted by [Malks] Pixie
You say this like "the media" were some independent entity.
I'm saying "the media" in the context of a thread titled "fuck social media". Would the 30s German equivalent of this thread be "fuck broadcast media"? Because citizens of Germany were helpless to its effects, with fascism as an inevitable outcome? The in the absence of the Treaty of Versailles broadcast media would have still brought about fascism?

saying it's not a problem and it doesn't need fixing is literally a head in the sand type response.
I'm suggesting what we're seeing is a consequence of media being one more tool used to concentrate resources into the hands of the few, as a priority over bettering the lives of those consuming it. That in the case that inequality wasn't so stark, that life wasn't so deadly grim for so many, we wouldn't see the degree of problems we are.

As opposed to the current design of social media naturally leading to the problems we're seeing in any kind of socio-economic conditions.
Stay shook. No sook.
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