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Old 19th June 2007, 10:09     #21
Originally Posted by HughMann
I dunno, in a way I'd be pretty surprised if the pilots told the passengers what was happening untill the last minute. Why cause a potential panic when the plane still flies okay? just wait till you're on the final approach then say:

"Ladies and gentlemen, there is no cause for alarm, the plane is flying a-ok, but uh, we're gonna land without wheels, so tuck your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye!"
In a beech 1900D there is no seperation from the pilots to passengers so the passengers would have heard the master alarm followed by the mayday call followed by the plane leaving wellington airspace.

Its also likly that the pilot did a missed approach at wellington or the other airport to burn up fuel since there was a possablity of the prop hitting the tank when they landed
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