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Old 9th June 2021, 16:02     #42580
It's a good story right? Plays well. Probably true.

It's just how both the facts and the bigger picture of human values and dynamics fit together... The governments and states that exist don't persist because they're disinterested in their own survival. Whatever is going on, whatever we know or don't, this dynamic is in play and it's significant to these circumstances.

The world is being pushed to a place where we're not allowed to communicate without oversight. Ostensibly to protect us from the baddies, conveniently offering an advantage over anything which might disrupt political stability.

After the Christchurch shooting it was revealed our spy agencies disproportionately targeted only a subset of violent expression. It might just seem bigotry is the reason why rather than a reflection of the values and mindset of our political leaders, but I'm not so sure.

The public now has in mind's eye a rock solid example of the baddies being swept up by cops being tricky with encryption, and everyone being happy with this outcome. Any nuance, the difference between this set up and broader breaches of encryption will be lost on at least some. We're seeing both niche products being cracked and demands for backdoors in dominant services.

It's difficult to explain what I'm seeing. It feels very pre-Snowden, with that schizophrenia around "don't be paranoid, no one is tracking you"|"of course our data is being collected, why wouldn't it be?". Then we all pretended the first part wasn't going on once Snowden shifted the paradigm. We now know what we always knew, the focus now was what should happen to Snowden (and making everything legal now it's exposed).

This ends Lightspeed's a Paranoid Shit presentation.
Stay shook. No sook.
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