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Old 11th December 2004, 19:24     #1
Jonas Undrawing
NZGames Summer Soundtrack - Double Deuce

That's right. It's that time of year again. I recently reharmonized a christmas'y song to be played on National Radio's Homegrown christmas special (the host of which confessed to us that it was very difficult to find NZ musicians playing christmas themed songs). So I set about forcing my band into being NZ musicians playing a christmas song.

Last Dance Charlie - The Last Noel

You know the deal ladies and gentlemen. The theme is summer and all that comes with her. Christmas. Beer. Beaches. Raw Sex. I invite you to pen, strum, collaborate, program, plonk, sing along to a song that reminds you of this special... special time of year.

Dont be shy. Last year was a beautiful success thanks to everyone's prompt and tasteful contributions.

I look forward to another great collection of NZgames songs.