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Old 13th June 2020, 14:10     #479
BBC has removed Fawlty Towers episode: The Germans because too racist.

TIL Germans are a race!

To quote Zizek:
The german hard rock band Rammstein are often accused
of flirting and playing with nazi militaristic iconography
But if one observers
closely their show one can see very nicely
what they are doing, exemplarily in one of their best known songs
"Reise reise".
The minimal elements of the nazi ideology enacted by Rammstein
are something like pure elements
of libidinal investment.
Enjoyment has to be as it were condensed
in some minimal ticks, gestures which do not have precise
ideological meaning.
What Rammstein does
is it liberates these elements
from their nazi articulation.
It allows us to enjoy them
in their pre-ideological state.
The way to fight nazism
is to enjoy these elements, ridicoulous as they were here, by suspending
the nazi horizon of meaning.
This way you undermine nazism from within.

Last edited by Nich : 13th June 2020 at 14:13.
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