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Old 29th April 2021, 14:30     #42517
So we were talking about time travel earlier...

What's the chances one day future tourism could be a thing? If we get the tech and if you have the patience, it will be possible to travel to the future.

The tech being constant acceleration over time, shielding from high energy particles, life support.

Just not back.

I wonder what the shortest non-negligible jump forward we could make that was time cost-effective? (Acceleration tolerances, degree of time dilation, length of journey, distance forward.) Spending 10 years to arrive 11 years in the future wouldn't be worthwhile. But some might spend 20 to reach 2000? The rest would be fine tuning.

Without learning how to do the maths, I'm guessing there'd be the initial acceleration/deceleration cost to reach sufficient dilation and that would be pretty set. Anything less than that, not worth the journey, more, whatever you arrive to is unlikely to be hospitable to you. If you're lucky you might wind up in a menagerie.

We'll no doubt end up sending lots of junk to the future. The tech requirements are much lower if nothing living has to make the journey.
Stay shook. No sook.
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