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Old 24th August 2020, 15:14     #1027
Originally Posted by Ab
The government that we have right now needs to acknowledge its shortcomings and just do better.
I don't really like that framing either.

Shortcomings? Only in the sense none of us are perfect and all of us can improve.

Yes, MPs and reporters have a place raising those areas of improvement to public awareness. But they also have an agenda, seek to shock and titillate in the competition for our attention. Often leaving enough unsaid to leave us wondering, maybe this is as extreme as the evocative language suggests.

But doesn't mean we have to play along. While we do have psychological hooks we're prone to, we also have the capacity to grow beyond them.

The problem the government must resist now is responding too quickly, overacting as a result of underhanded politicisation of the pandemic. As we can see attempting to solve some problems only cause others, and in circumstances where we're holding off dramatic consequences with careful behaviour, we can't lose our focus. It's better to stick with the problems we know, while we develop a more comprehensive response.

We are in a kind of car crash scenario. We're in that slow-mo moment where the danger is obvious and with a clear window to avoid it, pretty sure the family in the back is going to survive this, how much thought are we going to give to saving the car so we make the trip home? To work tomorrow? Do we have time to think about the paint job? You know people have gotten themselves killed trying to save superficial shit.

We've got decisions to make in that regard too.
Stay shook. No sook.
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