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Old 13th November 2020, 01:54     #42285
Originally Posted by fixed_truth
For white South Africans to be racially discriminated in a meaningful way they'd need to be a minority (which they are <10%) AND be alienated with regards to land, wealth and opportunities, which they're not (yet?)

So yeah pointing out quite a unique context as a possible exception to the rule deflects away from the experience of minority non-white people in a society vs white people in that society.
I'll need to disagree with you there F_T; there are hundreds of reports/instances of white farmers and their families being tortured and murdered (not to take away from murder/violence of any other group in RSA - it's rampant). Then there is also the suggested expropriation without compensation (again aimed mostly at white South Africans), and the current version of what started as Affirmative Action, the intent of which was to provide equity for disadvantaged groups. Alas as with most things in South Africa, that intent (part of the Employment Equity Act) has been twisted by those enforcing it.

Please don't mistake my response with one saying I personally feel that I have ever been oppressed (as lolspeed somehow inferred); in the grand scheme of things I lived an incredibly lucky and comparatively wealthy/secure childhood in RSA, and was fortunate to have parents with the foresight to see the direction the country was going, and choosing to leave to get myself and my siblings into a safer place. I am also not referencing "white genocide" in any capacity. I'm only raising the specific example of RSA as that is where my experience lies, and that of the family and friends who still live there. Finally, I'm not trying to claim that poor whites in South Africa have it any worse than poor blacks; that would be farcical and very easily disproven.

Assuming you're interested enough to read any of this stuff (it's dry as fuck).
White Farm murders:

Black Economic Empowerment and Affirmative Action
AA was introduced (iirc) in the early 90's when the ANC took power. The idea was to try and help disadvantaged socio-economic groups to address the inequality under Apartheid. BEE policy was introduced later and applied to education as well as employment. Businesses are given points based on their adherence to BEE (i.e. the % of their work force made up of black employees) which can lead to further govt grants, and awarding of national and local govt contracts (you can see where that would lead).

While the intent behind AA and BEE is both laudable and understandable, the reality is that in a lot of cases they have led to inefficiency, corruption, cronyism, nepotism - the govt itself is one of the clearest examples of these. I agree with you that an element of the white population is far from bottomed out in terms of wealth or land ownership (that will come soon if the aforementioned land expropriation bill goes ahead); I disagree about the opportunities available to them however. The brain drain of RSA is ongoing (for those who can afford to get out), and conditions in the country are still getting worse.

Land Expropriation:

Disclaimer - I have only skim read most of these for relevance; I'm not sure if they support or counter my argument In fairness, a lot of what I've read is new to me, and it seems the number (although not the stories of torture) of white farmer murders in particular have been exaggerated.

Last edited by Savage : 13th November 2020 at 01:55.
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