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Old 19th May 2008, 00:50     #1
Stunt Pants
Random Thoughts II

Originally Posted by seen-my-keys?
Hi there.
I think, for the sake of economising threads, It would be good to have a thread (such as this) where you could be free to air out any random thoughts you may have.
Perhaps for things that arent quite worthy of their own thread, but are perhaps still worthy discussion, or ..... WHATEVER.

Free to speak your mind, without any obligation to stay on topic, be relevant, or make any sense. 'Tis the beauty of NZG.

So I will get the ball rolling here:

I take my health for granted. But since I have realised this, Then I obviously dont take it for granted. So I am not sure if I do, or do not take it for granted at the moment.

I wish my cat didnt walk all over my NEW car, just after i FUCKING cleaned it.

What was worse, is that it is rear/mid engined, so it pawed its way all over the front bonnet looking for the warm spot, before climbing around on the roof, walking around on there a bit, and then discovering a nice warm 3SGE out back.
5 points if you can guess what car it is.

I need some new shoes.

I thought I was quite clever, and drunk, when I came up with this analogy(sp?)
"I am a boat sailing on the sea of life... I can steer the boat, but it is the ocean currents that take me where I am going."
WOW. Thats pretty deep eh? I thought so at the time.

I cant believe it costs 18 flipping dollars to get a hair cut these days. BACK IN MY DAY, before I grew my hair long, it was about $10. Golly!

I need a haircut.

I need 18 dollars.

I have an easy life, which I am grateful for. I feel for people who have things harder than me.* Especially family members. I must try harder to help people who arent as priviledged as me.

*I know for a fact, that Native read that sentence as: "I feel people who have things harder than me" And giggled.

Variety isnt the spice of life... Its more like the oxygen of life. Youre brain dies without it.
Alright people, you know what to do.
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