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Old 11th January 2007, 10:37     #31
User Awaiting Email Confirmation
I think a lot of you are missing the 'cool' in this.

I already have an iMate Jam:

While not as thin and while the touch screen/OS isn't designed for finger only operation to the extent that the new iPhone is, it covers most of the features of the iPhone.

So yes, while we have similar devices on the market this rocks my socks because:
  • An easier to use 'stylus-less' interface means it's more attractive to Joe n00b.
  • With Apple behind the interface it's a safe bet that it'll be more user friendly than the current range of Windows/Symbian based phones.
  • It's an attractive phone that will draw the masses (especially the iPod crowd).
  • It's pushing the Internet on a mobile angle.
All of these things rock my socks.

Together these things mean lower costs for cutting edge mobile technology, harder pushes by Nokia, etc to bring their (IMO outdated) user interfaces up to grade and more importantly, with the "Internet on mobile" push, we'll (hopefully) see mobile data charges come down across the board (in time).

You don't have to appreciate the aesthetics of the new case or the user friendly UI. You should however appreciate the fact that we now have a driving force in the mainstream consumer market that is pushing the latest in mobile convergence and mobile Internet.

Apple may not have the product you crave right now, but I'm betting if they don't, they'll be the push the rest of the industry needs to make it happen.

Only good things can come of this.
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