Thread: nCoV 2019
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Old 6th October 2022, 23:57     #3025
We've had 1.8 million cases of covid, which has cased 2038 deaths.

We've given 11.68 million doses of the vaccine, which has caused 3 deaths, and possibly a small handful of others.

2038/1.8m cases of covid = 0.11% mortality rate.

3/11.68m vaccination doses = 0.00003%

That would make the covid 4283 times more likely to kill you than the vaccine.

Admittedly, that is a best case scenario. But even if we change things up by saying, for example, that only 1 in 4 covid cases is actually detected, so that the real number of covid cases is more like 7.2m then we'd have:

2038/7.2m = 0.03%

At that point covid has dropped to a measly 1168 times more deadly than the vaccine.

And lastly, even if we said that all of the people who could *possibly* (but we're pretty sure weren't) be killed by the vaccine actually were, then you'd have

177/11.68m = 0.00152%

Even at this point, taking the worst case scenario reasonably imaginable, covid is still 20 times more deadly than the vaccine.

So, even if the vaccine only made covid a teeny tiny bit less likely to kill you, it would probably still be worth getting, but actually it seems to reduce the risk of death by about 10x.

A 0.00152% chance of death to turn a 0.03% chance of death into a 0.003% chance of death is a deal I'd do every time.
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