Thread: nCoV 2019
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Old 23rd September 2022, 14:04     #2915
Originally Posted by DrTiTus
Even when we ranked poorly, Duncan finds a way to paint it in a positive light.

It reads very much like a typical Kiwi "per capita" argument that explains that even though we didn't win the Olympics, we still "won" in our own Kiwi way.
We did place at the Olympics. We didn't by any means run a perfect race but we still came out up front. It's not a controversial statement to say that comparatively NZ handled the pandemic well.
It certainly doesn't paint the Government like maniacs that didn't listen, made stupid rules that didn't make sense, and killed a few people with mandates for a vaccine that in hindsight was unnecessary, and beat up those who tried to point out only old people needed the vaccine anyway.
That's just antivax, I googled my own research twaddle.
Protecting your peace is way more important than proving your point. Some people aren't open to cultivating their views. Just let them be wrong.
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