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Old 2nd September 2007, 01:07     #504
When you need to take a shit after a coffee at work.

Shoes with laces

Charity collectors that sit themselves next to the escalators

Shitty Arab Vodafone salesmen

Shitty Indian Telecom selesman

Koreans that sit behind me on the bus and breathe loudly

This little faggot with spiky hair on my bus that likes techno

Shitty Arab vodafone salesmen that dance with themselves to shitty tecno inside of a mall

Fat kids at the mall with fat trailer parents

When guys talk how drunk they got... No. In my story I was drunker then you, eat shit!

Oral hygene ads. What the fuck has snowboarding and brusing teeth have in common?

When I turn my tv on at 20 minutes to the hour, and there is a half hour show on at the time. It doesnt matter what channel you change it to, the fucking ads on. In other words, 7:40pm.

Toilet cleaner ads. Notice how any cleaning product is for women. Because women clean. Yeah bitches, live with it.

When I try to explain aspect ratios to customers. Or when some cunt thinks he knows about cameras more then me because he looked it up online the day before.

Rotting caracass that is Telecom. When animals in their adverts fail, they switch to children. When children fail, they use 'funny' characters. Guess what Terry? You are a homosexual. Just to make it worse, they give us ugly 'ordinary' people. I don't want to look at ugly people on my tv. That is why i turn it on. So that ugly goes away.

Those fucking Islanders that loiter around Burger King on Queen St.

Hot girls that wear jandals. Fucking gross, I dont want to look at your dirty feet you whore.

PC white people that get upset when some Maori tribal issue gets overlooked. Like spiritual ancestry type of shit. Stop patronising the browns for fuck sake, and let 'em sort it out.

Kids tv presenters. Is it legal to have butt-punchers near children? And why do those female presenters look so happy? I don't want my children to grow up and become pussies, whipe that fucking smile off your faces.

Minimalism = White people trying to be Japanese
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