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Old 11th October 2022, 13:39     #1760
Originally Posted by ChaosWulf
Weird side note, I was one of those. At 16, had no idea what I was, hated attention from guys, and took my fear and revulsion to mean I wasn't right and asked a doctor if I could get a hysterectomy as clearly, I didn't fit what society told me "woman" was.

He had a laugh and told me to think on it for the next 20 years or so.
20 years later, two kids later, I do look back and I only see the fear and lack of belonging, and the undeveloped kids brain that processed thought in absolutes due to lack of experience.

What's wrong is what society tells us woman and man is, not biologically, but culturally - and I can see all this shit getting a lot worse until we stop letting our kids be raised by marketing companies.
Yeah, it's literal nightmare. There are clearly people who absolutely have real struggles with their gender identity for incredibly diverse reasons. And there are many who have some uncertainty or curiosity about who or what they are. And there is a great volume of people with a desperate need to belong, who suffer deprivation, who will do anything to get their needs met.

In an ideal world our healthcare services would be resourced enough to help people navigate all this.

They're not.

And so people are screwed by inequality on both ends.

And NOW the whole thing has essentially becoming meme-ified, and we all know how memes take on a life of their own far beyond their point of origin.

And then, THEN we're surprised that in our winner-takes-all society that people and organisations leverage this dynamic for their own agendas and gain.

Look at Ab's dramatic response, you can almost taste the dopamine.

Congrats on the kids CW. 😁
Stay shook. No sook.
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