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Old 11th October 2022, 08:35     #1755
Don't worry, be harpy
Weird side note, I was one of those. At 16, had no idea what I was, hated attention from guys, and took my fear and revulsion to mean I wasn't right and asked a doctor if I could get a hysterectomy as clearly, I didn't fit what society told me "woman" was.

He had a laugh and told me to think on it for the next 20 years or so.
20 years later, two kids later, I do look back and I only see the fear and lack of belonging, and the undeveloped kids brain that processed thought in absolutes due to lack of experience.

What's wrong is what society tells us woman and man is, not biologically, but culturally - and I can see all this shit getting a lot worse until we stop letting our kids be raised by marketing companies.
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