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Old 10th October 2022, 22:40     #1747
Oh, I did. I'm just not sure that the specific words that you used render what I'm saying irrelevant.

Like, are you saying that your whole entire problem is with "adolescent rapid onset gender dysphoria" and absolutely nothing else about trans, intersex and/or non-binary people? Because I've gotta say, if that's what you're now claiming is the whole problem, then it seems weird that previously you would have claimed that there were only two sexes/genders.

See, if that was what you were saying, then as I understand it you're happy with, for example, public funding for people transitioning as long as they don't have the sudden realisation that this is what they want specifically during their adolescent years. If they have that sudden realisation at the age of 21 instead of 17, you'd be okay with it because they wouldn't be an adolescent any more?

Are you telling me that this bit of it is literally the *only* bit that you really care about? Because what I'm saying is kinda more aimed at what I perceive as your whole attitude, given the history of the discussions we've had, and the various things you've been posting, rather than this one particular claim.
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