Thread: Player History
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Old 1st May 2002, 13:00     #44

Shit my history in here is quite boring as for clans i think.
I got into tf from Shrimp, i was in the process of a bad marriage, and needed a diversion from arguements and fight's. so along came tf.
I remember i was visiting Shrimp the very first time i actually seem tf played, pissed as a chook and half standing half swaying next to the comp and told my sis to bugger of it looked easy and i wanted to kill someone on the comp :P
In fact all i did that night was (under shrimps name i might add) alianate a few ( quite a few) with team kills and left her to explain it wasnt her as they were pretty pissed of with her stupid play

then started to play at home under the name newbie and noone for about 4 months.
Then Halfpint ( or HP) as some use to refear to me as, not Hire Purchase either

joined TMC, great clan and great ppl, had a hell of alot of laughs.
played a little halflife. a a few dm games.
decided to join a few clans in between but didnt like the way they worked so left.
Then decided to make my own. so formed HMF..
went hunting for players i admired or knew had the talent, and i still think everyone i picked where good players.

had a few up's and downs but for the most it was fun.
Toward's the end of my HMF stint aws leader i took things to heart and even though we won GRENSTOMP, it wasn't fun anymore for me,. and with a few hassles on here i decided to leave the net behind,
I remember getting carried away in NZ&OZ final and telling a aussie to stick a carrot up his ^%$$#^&.
(and they kicked our butt's royal, they deserved the win)

Use to run quite a few BVR"S.. they were always alot of fun for players.

so after all this hp left.
nowdays i have a life and in the past week went on the server as SHITE a few times but im bloody useless now so that s Halfpint's history in tf.

KNown alias in past
a few i will keep to myself in case i ever return, (only a few know me with these other nicks :P)
short pint

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