Thread: Minecraft
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Old 14th October 2010, 00:31     #185
this pretty much sums up this game.
My very first go at survival, I overestimated how long daytime would be and I ended up running for my life once night hit. Seeing a small cave in the side of a mountain, I dove in and walled up the entrance with dirt.
Placing a torch onto the wall, I could see most of the cave I was in, save for one tiny nook to the back. Silently, a green, souless best wandered out and greeted me only with a paralysing hiss before the explosion knocked me back and destroyed most of the cave's floor. I fell for what seemed an eternity before hitting water. Looking around, I'd been dropped into an immense cavern, decorated by a waterfall. In the following days I'd find that it was the hub of a huge series of interconnected tunnels and secret rooms, all of which became the foundation for a complex minecart system and underground base.
Now this place is filled with light. There are no more corners for silent death to creep out of, though that doesn't seem to ease the fear. And yet, one small part of me wants to just rip a few torches out, so that I might be just as surprised by something as I first was...
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