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Old 11th May 2023, 14:48     #37
AI is a force multiplier. Humans are an essential part of this equation. Even an AI obsessed with paper clips will find itself aligning with reality in its pursuit of its agenda, which is human friendly. Given humanity's journey includes billions of years of aligning with what works.

I think we're projecting out the alignment problem. The first thing that's "not us" that could conceivably have an agenda and we immediately worry it might not be aligned with our own interests. But that's a central struggle both between each other and within ourselves already. Many completely avoid any kind of deep introspection as to what their interests genuinely are, and those who make the effort realise it's an endless one.

The real concern is disrupting the status quo and what happens in the scramble, the churn. But really only if you're banking on equity. And there are a lot of people in no place to bank on equity.

That's where the disruption occurs. The disempowered become empowered. I wonder if it's kids we should be really concerned about? They'll be the fastest to integrate the tech. I can't imagine they share interests with the status quo. Kids in volume, able to get effective results from AI. What does that look like when that clusters?

Existing power might have a head start, but I don't think they can weather the brute force of entire populations being hyper-enabled.

So us folk in this bubble are more likely to be in a position to worry, than not.
Stay shook. No sook.
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