Thread: nCoV 2019
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Old 8th April 2020, 16:39     #539
I'm sceptical that refers to the full funding the WHO relies on to function.

In NZ we had a government gut our public health services while telling us everything was fine. The subsequent problems that came to pass were only predicted by boring people. Anyone exciting enough to get some attention the government was free to slag off and ignore. That government eventually lost power, but the dominant party of that government still retains most of its votes. That's how it goes now. People are eager to hear everything is okay and not much else.

That's New Zealand. Much worse is acceptable the world over.

There is no us and them. It's just us. This is our world, we're responsible for it. Unless you consider yourself so pathetic that you're living someone else's life? Or so grandiose that you're the rare stalwart of decency?
Stay shook. No sook.
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