Thread: Bring back Buck
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Old 27th October 2011, 15:42     #2

Originally Posted by Ab
I'm old enough to remember the Battle of Nantes in 86. That was some fucking brutal shit.

Buck Shelford got punched in the face by some French cunt and had a bunch of teeth knocked out. Then some other French cunt went tapdancing on Buck's groin in rugby boots, ripping open his scrotum and leaving one of his nuts dangling out. So Buck got stretchered off and taken straight to hospital.


Buck walked to the sideline during play and got the team physio to stitch up his scrotum with a needle and thread while Buck held his testis in with his hands, gritting his gums against the pain because he'd just had his teeth knocked out. Once the work was done downstairs Buck had his mouth packed with bandages and he ran back out on to the field to continue play and smash some French motherfuckers in front of the 3 or 4 fans in attendance who hadn't fainted at what they'd just witnessed.

Later in the game some other French cunt punched/kneed (I forget) Buck in the head and knocked him out cold to stop him fucking their shit up.

French rugby at its finest. But its how Buck took it that people remember from that day.
I've never heard that story before - that's insane D:
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