Thread: Ethereum
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Old 10th October 2021, 18:15     #889
What I'm really hanging out for is full transparency consumerism.

The experience I have now is if I want a product, I do a series of searches to get a sense of what availability there is, at what price range. Depending on the product I might look local first, if only for shipping costs, but in many cases cause I'd be happy to support local. I might pay marginally or even significantly more for something local, depending on the product.

What I'd like in that process is to be able to exclude products from as choices. Like, show me every product of this kind, except ones that are shipped through these channels, or produced by these suppliers, transported through these regions, etc.

Partly to exclude drop-shippers, or even genuine wholesalers who buy through a sketchy industry or logistics systems. But I think there's lots of scope to be able to more easily manage your purchasing priorities, get better consumer results.

My experience right now is there's sometimes considerable diverse purchasing options, which is great, but sometimes that's obfuscating too. You'll see the same exact product for a variety of prices, through a variety of channels, of varying degrees of legitimacy. Rarely but certainly outright scams, to merely questionable reliability, to good faith consistent service, at least up to that point.

I'm at least quite often left with a feeling of uncertainty I actually made a reasonable purchasing decision. Maybe that super cheap option was legitimate? Maybe I could have gotten it shipped in half the time? Maybe I shouldn't have chosen Amazon? Etc.

Just gotta get it all on the blockchain.
Stay shook. No sook.
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